“Montague Hill, the man who was found lying wounded in Bucknall Mansions
late on Wednesday night in the rooms of a well-known artiste, has recovered
sufficiently to make a statement to the police. "Are you my son? Are you
"I am," replied Jack. “Nevertheless,” Hill said doggedly, “I am here to speak to you alone. That’s my opinion, if you ask me. “Girls of sixteen do not need their own laundry
hampers. There's nothing on the card to indicate it, but I'm a
detective. "I did see them on the platform of the bridge—the child and
his preserver! They were not struck by the fallen ruin, nor whelmed in the
roaring flood,—or, if they were, they escaped as I escaped. Lucy could feel blood welling underneath a bump half
swelling and already half-healing on her scalp. "All my life I've dreamed of something like this," he said, divertingly, with a
gesture which included the yacht. He was an imaginative young man.
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